In order to spread the results and Intellectual Outputs of the project more widely and provide specific answers to the different target groups, the Project’s Result Dissemination Plan was designed, including the materials, activities, and actions that were to be carried out.
With this, the impact of the project and its results at the European level has been very relevant, since it has reached more than 85 organizations in 24 different countries.
This was possible thanks to the network of Albinism entities in Europe and the Aniridia Europe organization, in charge of guaranteeing the impact at the European level. These are two networks of entities that represent a large part of the persons with Albinism and Aniridia in Europe, with more than 35 member entities between both of them in 13 member states.
Among the multiple actions carried out, the following stand:
- DISSEMINATION MEETINGS WITH MULTIPLIERS: the involvement of other organizations and multipliers was a priority to strengthen and broaden the project’s impact and to ensure the dissemination of its results. This is why several bilateral meetings with decision-makers in the education field (educational centers’ headmasters and teaching staff) and policy makers in the fields of social inclusion and education were held.
Furthermore, several dissemination activities were planned to enhance the visibility and dissemination of the results, consisting of:
- THE MULTIPLIER EVENTS (E1, E2, E3) for the final presentation of the project’s results to political and educational institutions in all the partner countries (Spain, Norway, Italy). Structured into a first training session to learn the basic concepts and general aspects to help understand low vision, the sessions focused on presenting the two Intellectual Outputs: the O1 – VIRTUAL TRAINING COURSE FOR TEACHER TRAINING AND PRE-PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN THE INCLUSION OF STUDENTS WITH VISUAL IMPAIRMENTS IN THEIR CLASSROOMS, and the O2 – VISUAL STIMULATION APP, where the materials were showcased with the objective of not only testing their usefulness and disseminating them, but also encouraging the attendees to participate in their future development and achieve the greatest possible impact.
E1 – Multiplier Event. Looking out for inclusion: A seminar for the true inclusion of children with visual impairment in pre-primary schools.
May 6th, 10th, 11th 2021, Valencia (Spain).
The Spanish final Multiplier Event of the project “LOOKING OUT FOR A SCHOOL FOR ALL: EARLY EDUCATIONAL INCLUSION FOR STUDENTS WITH LOW VISION” took place between May 6th and 11th at the facilities of the faculty of the Teaching Degree of Universitat de Valencia – UV.
The Event, titled “Looking out for inclusion: A seminar for the true inclusion of children visual impairment in pre-primary schools” and coordinated by Redtree, managed to gather more than 100 multipliers between teachers, experts, and professionals in the field of education and inclusion of persons with SEN, especially in early childhood and primary education, political and educational institutions, organizations of persons with visual disabilities and social leaders in the field, students and future teachers of the pre-primary and primary Teaching Degree of the UV, the media… for the presentation of the project’s Intellectual Outputs and the promotion of their use.
E2 – Multiplier event. Looking out for inclusion: A seminar for the true inclusion of children with visual impairment in pre-primary schools.
June 17th 2021, Online (Norway).
The Norway final Multiplier Event of the project “LOOKING OUT FOR A SCHOOL FOR ALL: EARLY EDUCATIONAL INCLUSION FOR STUDENTS WITH LOW VISION” took place online on June 17th, due to the restrictions established by the COVID-19 pandemic at the time of the event.
It was titled “Looking out for inclusion: A seminar for the true inclusion of children with visual impairment in pre-primary schools” and was coordinated by Aniridia Norge and Aniridia Europe, managing to gather more than 45 multipliers between teachers, experts, and professionals in the field of education and inclusion of persons with SEN, especially in pre-primary and primary education, political and educational institutions, organizations of persons with visual disabilities and social leaders in this field, parents and other family members, doctors, health professionals, the media… for the presentation of the project’s Intellectual Outputs and the promotion of their use.

E3 – Multiplier event. Looking out for inclusion: A seminar for the true inclusion of children with visual impairment in pre-primary schools.
June 12th, 2021, Online (Italy).
The Italy final Multiplier Event of the project “LOOKING OUT FOR A SCHOOL FOR ALL: EARLY EDUCATIONAL INCLUSION FOR STUDENTS WITH LOW VISION” took place online on June 12th, due to the restrictions established by the COVID-19 pandemic at the time of the event.
The Event, titled “Looking out for inclusion: A seminar for the true inclusion of children with visual impairment in pre-primary schools” and coordinated by Aniridia Italiana and Smallcodes Srl, managed to gather more than 50 multipliers between teachers, experts, and professionals in the field of education and inclusion of persons with SEN, especially in pre-primary and primary education, political and educational institutions, organizations of persons with visual disabilities and social leaders in this field, parents and other family members, doctors, health professionals, the media… for the presentation of the project’s Intellectual Outputs and the promotion of their use.
- DISSEMINATION ACTIVITIES: Among the dissemination activities that were carried out in situ, on our part we can highlight the presentation of the project to children with albinism, and the workshop «Children with albinism» held in Seville (Spain).
However, the greatest impact of these activities was achieved thanks to the collaboration of indirect participants, educators, and teachers from schools and pre-primary and primary education organizations who, although they were not able to carry out the on-site pilot tests in their schools due to COVID-19, had all the information and results sent to them and they carried out dissemination and visibility activities successfully.
- Pre-primary school Betel, Valencia.
- Pre-primary school Asterix, Burjassot.
- Pre-primary school Escolapias, Valencia.
- Pre-primary school Patronato de la Juventud Obrera, Valencia.
- Les Carolines school, Picassent.
- Jordi de Sant Jordi school, Valencia.
- Bellaguarda school, Altea.
- The Early Education School, Florence and Rome.
- Schous Kulturstajson, Oslo.
The associations of persons with Albinism and Aniridia from other European countries have also been key:
- Finland: Aniridia Finland.
- France: GENESPOIR Albinisme and Gêniris.
- Germany: NOAH – Albinismus Selbsthilfegruppe e.V.
- Norway: NFFA, Norwegian Albinism Association.
- Denmark: Danish Albinism Association and Aniridi Danmark.
- Belgium: Aniridia Belgium.
- Belarus: Ridevskaya Inna Mogilev.
- Bulgaria: Aniridia Bulgaria.
- Croatia: Lana Kopjar Jelacic Zagreb.
- Finland: Aniridia Finland.- Russia: Inter-regional support center for patients with aniridia.
- Sweden: Aniridi Sverige.
- United Kingdom: Albinism Fellowship and Aniridia Network.
- Spain: Spanish Association of Aniridia.
- Spanish Federation of Rare Diseases, FEDER.
- ONCE Foundation.
- Doctors and health professionals:
- 6 experts from the clinical and research communities (European Aniridi Conference).
- Lluis Montoliu, CSIC President of the Ethics Committee, expert in Albinism.
- As well as delegations (without legal status) formed by informal groups of parents from different European countries that participate in Aniridia Europe:
The strategy for external communication and dissemination also includes the dissemination and communication to both potentially direct beneficiaries and indirect target groups (decision-makers, other European regions, the media, and society), including the following lines of action and dissemination tools:
- Corporate image and the logo of the project.

- A website for the project.
- The Erasmus+ Platform for the Dissemination of the Results
- Dissemination through the School Education Gateway platform:
- A social network campaign.
- Bilateral meetings with new social entities and educational centers.

- Participation in the 5th European Aniridia Confederence (
The partner entities had the opportunity to participate in the virtual European Aniridia Conference (EAC) and present the «School for All» project. This conference enables the sharing of scientific knowledge and projects about Aniridia, and it brings together patients and the world’s top experts to upskill the clinical, research, and aniridic communities.

- Publishing dissemination materials: brochures and other explanatory materials like banners and posters with general information about the project and the dissemination of specific activities and results.

- Media: press releases, interviews…